Just over 10 years ago I was single, in debt, without a job, and sleeping on a friends air mattress after just arriving in Vancouver BC, Canada.
Now, 10 years later, I’m happily married, earn a six-figure salary, and own two properties in one of the worlds most expensive real estate markets. I’m surrounded by amazing friends, and have a massive network of people I can count on.
I was also able to take time away from the corporate world to found The-Inspired.com with visitors from over 30 countries around the world. Life's not perfect, there's still things I can improve on, but overall I’m happy, I feel fulfilled and I’m excited about the future. So, I may not have all the answers but I know what has worked for me.
How Do You Build the Future of Your Dreams? Top 10 Rules to Unlock Your Dreams
This is a list I wish someone would have shared with me when I needed it most. So based on those past 10 years, and all the hard lessons along the way, here's my list on how to build the future of your dreams:
Decide the ONE thing that you ARE or WANT to be. You will never be successful if you’re trying to be 10 things at once. Pick 1 and give 110%
Act As If - If you want to be a success at anything, act as IF you’ve already reached that position. How will you act differently? Thanks to Jack Canfield for that one.
Conversations that Matter - If you’re not sure what career path to take, ask successful people around you for advice. Take detailed notes.
Build your brand - Every moment at work is an opportunity to build your brand, your identity. It’s the way people see you. Be a professional.
Your reputation enters the room before you do. Understand that if your reputation is damaged only you can rebuild it.
Read like you’ve never read before. Look for book recommendations from successful people around you. Read 25 pages per day. It will change your life.
Execute your ideas. Even if you don’t have the exact formula worked out, execute. This means working on your goal on a daily basis. 30 mins, 1 hour. Make it happen.
The 10x's rule - work harder than you've ever worked before. If you're working towards a goal you have to put in the hard work to make it happen. You can slow down later once you reach your goal.
Set Weekly Goals and make sure you complete your tasks on schedule. This one is really all about self discipline to ensure you are continuing to move forward.
Balance. Find balance in your daily life. Balance is what I like to call "Inspired Daily Habits" that will improve your life. The short version is this:
Exercise - Go for a walk or get exercise each day
Quality Time - Spend quality time with family and friends
Eat Healthy - spend time cooking healthy meals
Read your favourite book - 25 pages each day
Reflect - on your day each night before bed
If you sacrifice "balance" to reach your goals, then you may not be healthy enough to enjoy your victory once it happens.
If you sacrifice "balance" you may not have the richness of family or friends around you to truly enjoy that feeling of success.
Balance is all about living consciously every day and executing on those ideas to make it happen.
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