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COVID-19 Dashboard by John Hopkins University - 4/27/2020
"I'm not sure if I'll have a job next week. There might be more job cuts. They're only keeping certain workers. Essential workers..."
These are the words I keep hearing from friends and family as the pandemic continues where we live in Canada, and from friends and family in the UK and Croatia. But what is an essential worker to any organization? Are you one?
How can you help show your value if you need the job you still have?
This article focuses on the a game of musical chairs already underway during this global pandemic.
Each chair represents a job.
And each job is under threat as citizens stay home globally.
Who keeps those jobs now depends on your value to the organization.
So here are my top seven essential job skills to help keep you employed and showing your value during the pandemic and recession or depression to likely follow.
7 Essential Job Skills to Master During a Pandemic
I've had a successful career in the business world for over 15 years now and I attribute much of that success to a few simple concepts broken down into seven essential elements. Pandemic or not, these skills will help you in your career, no matter your current position:
1. Be Highly Adaptable
The number one skill your boss wants right now is someone who is highly adaptable to any given situation. They want someone who has more than one skill. Someone who can wear more than one hat. Your manager wants to know they can count on you to get whatever is needed done, with a reduced team and less resources.
2. Be Highly Collaborative
Be someone who is easy to work with. Build your relationships. Appreciate them. Nurture them. They are your life line if you leave, and add to your effectiveness in getting things done while you have a job. Show your emotional intelligence demonstrating that as important as that deliverable is, the person you're working with is even more important.
3. Be Real. Be Authentic
If you are trying to be someone you are not it will show. Be real. Be you. It's ok to have different likes and opinions than others, just be respectful in how and what you say. You'll be valued more for your willingness to show the real authentic you.
4. Deliver Value Each Day - Like your job depends on it
Because maybe right now, it does. The quality and timeliness of your deliverables matter. Think like a consultant on a short term contract. Consultants know that they are measured in terms of the quality of their work on a daily and weekly basis. Take on this practice.
5. Be Part of the Solution. Not the Problem
Park your ego: Don't worry about being right. And provide creative solutions as options to get a job done. Don't put up your hand first to point out a problem without being able to offer a solution. And don't make life difficult on others because you might be having a bad day.
6. Be Self Starter. Work Your Ass Off.
Put in 110% during your shift. Start before everyone else. Stay late. And deliver deliver deliver. Even if you get a few steps wrong along the way, no one will question your dedication.
7. Show Patience. Keep Your Emotions in Check
I've worked with plenty of teammates demonstrating the majority of 1-6 listed above, but fail to show patience with their teams or employees or bosses. Your emotional well-being matters. And so does that of your team. In reality, it matters now more than ever. Patience is really just empathy in practice.
Until next time, stay strong, stay healthy, and thrive.
- Goran Yerkovich
Get your Free eBook The Inspired Guide to Self-Evaluation when you"Subscribe" and join the thousands who read for FREE each week. Featured on Quora, Facebook, Medium and LinkedIn.----------------------------------------'s related links:
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3. The Inspired Foundations Articles: How Your Foundations Matter in Reaching Your Goals. Simple tips, routines, principles and habits to get you started.
4. Be Brave Enough to Suck at Something New: Is there something you've always wanted to do, a personal dream sitting there, a goal, still waiting to be realized?
5. Flow Will Change Your Life: Creating Goals Begins with Understanding Your Flow. Personal Growth meets the real authentic you. How understanding your passions will fuel your progress, happiness & personal growth.
6. Meditation - Skinny Dipping, Polar Bears, & Debunking Common Myths of Meditation
7. Bill Gates Pandemic Warning We All Missed. 10 Things You Need to Know: COVID-19
8. Coronavirus: Do Your Part, Take Action Now
9. 10 Tips in Supporting Your Community and Home Life: COVID-19
10. How Do I Self Isolate? The More You Know The Less You Fear - An Astronaut's Guide During COVID-19
11. Unsung Heroes: The International Team Mapping the Real-Time Spread of COVID-19: How to Take Action.
12. The Great Pause of 2020: What Did You Do With Your Time?
13. How Long Is the Wait at Your Grocery Store? A New Pandemic App Has You Covered: COVID-19 Time Saver
14. What is Sober October? Reasons to Drink Less Now & Goal Setting
15. Continuity Principle, Anticipatory Trauma, Esther Perel on Tactics For Relationships in Quarantine
Get your Free eBook The Inspired Guide to Self-Evaluation when you"Subscribe" and join the thousands who read for FREE each week. Featured on Quora, Facebook, Medium and LinkedIn.

About the author - Goran Yerkovich is the founder of, an online magazine designed to help readers reach their personal goals. The-Inspired includes some of the best tools, tactics, and habits from the greatest minds of today and yesterday. Goran lives in the greater Vancouver area with his wife and two cats Kimchi and Kauai.
Great post and very relevant for today.
Also an option now is take some time to review your job and see if it fits with your values and with the continued existence of humans on the planet. With all the support available, there has never been a better time to leave your soul destroying job or say goodbye to your 'Dilbert' boss. Ensure you have the financial support required and make the change you've always wanted.
If there was no downside to leaving a job, eventually, crappy jobs would have to be improved to attract workers and crappy bosses would have to be replaced or removed as their employees vote with their feet. Do your part now to improve the…