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The Great Organizer: What’s Your Life Purpose? Warning: Not Knowing Might Mean a Shorter Life.

Writer's picture: Goran YerkovichGoran Yerkovich

“I hope you see things that startle you.

I hope you feel things you never felt before.

I hope you meet people with a different point of view.

I hope you live a life you’re proud of.

If you find that you’re not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again.”

-Eric Roth

The Great Organizer:

What’s Your Life Purpose?

Four simple words that can shape the entire world around us.

Four simple words that can bring us great success in life.

Or can cause us great pain.

For some, an easy and straight forward question.

But for most of us, it's not.

Purpose, for all its discussion and debate lately, can be an illusive invisible target,

because, frankly, while there's much talk about it, there is little in the way of actual definition.

The bad news is, NOT knowing your life purpose might mean a shorter life.

A recent study of 7000 individuals showed death came sooner to those who DID NOT have a defined life purpose. Regardless of wealth, education, gender, or race.

"This study’s results indicated that stronger purpose in life was associated with decreased mortality. Purposeful living may have health benefits."

So How do You Define Life Purpose?

Purpose, If you have it or not, can be hard to define.

First it is important to recognize that ALL OF US have a Life Purpose.

Because Life Purpose is NOT actually the purpose of reaching a final outcome.

It is not even about being passionate about ONE THING.

Life Purpose is something much more tangible.

It is something we can see, feel, and even touch and taste, every day of our lives.

Life Purpose comes through the feeling provided in its experience, and the meaning we place on it.

Life Purpose, as mentioned, is NOT the final outcome.

Purpose Is Action & Meaning

Ok, so let's look at it this way...

In "The Success Principles" by Jack Canfield, he quotes Pat Williams, a senior VP of the NBA Orlando Magic who has written over 70 books, and is also a public speaker.

When asked what Pat's greatest secret was in successfully organizing ones life, he said:

"Figure out what you love to do as young as you can, and then organize your life around figuring out HOW to make a living at it."

Purpose therefore in this definition, is an organizing principle.

This means it includes acts and outcomes, but again, it's never about one final outcome. It's about the PROCESS of whatever it is.

For Pat Williams this meant having a love for basketball, and a desire to help create a great organization.

So his Life Purpose focused around the steps it took to get this done.

For Pat Williams, this also meant sharing his story, and writing books on the topic.

These activities combined helped establish an important part of Pat's Life Purpose.

Something that Pat enjoyed creating via the process.

Something that gave Pat increased meaning, and organization to his life.

Do You Know Your Life Purpose?

If not, are you interesting in learning what it might be?

The above was taken from our upcoming Masterclass:

The Authentic You: Life Foundations Masterclass

In this masterclass we take a deeper look at this incredibly important topic via:

"Chapter 4 : Purpose"

This chapter covers 4 modules including the 10 question exercise / assignment:

"What's Your Life Purpose! 10 Key Questions."

In this masterclass we’ll review a holistic approach to unravelling what it means to live our Authentic Lives, one filled with more autonomy, purpose, and mastery in our own lives. As a thank you for joining The-Inspired's newsletter, Subscribers will also receive first notice when this masterclass launches AND a one-time PROMO Code Discount on this incredible value packed Masterclass - with over 70 modules! ...more details coming soon!

So if you're new or a returning visitor, but not subscribed, be sure to subscribe today!

Thanks again.


Season 2 - Podcast Cover (2).png
Season 2 - Podcast Cover (2).png


In the fall of 2017 I founded as my way of contributing back to the world.  Never before has so much powerful, educational, informative life changing knowledge been available to us online. The Inspired is a BEST oF compilation of those sources, with a specific goal in mind...


I heard something recently that I know rings true: The reason most people don't reach their goals in life is because they don't have a clear idea of what their goals are. And then for those who do have a clear vision, they don't stick with the daily process of working on reaching those goals until the job is done.  


What we do each day matters.  From new or seasoned professionals in the business world, retirees in their 50's to golden years, and for stay at home moms or dads, this website is designed for you.  Moving forward in your journey means living a better life.  It means improving your career, reducing  stress or anxiety. It means finding fulfillment in each day, and purpose in life, at any age.  


Subscribe to the Newsletter for Tools, Tactics & Inspired Daily Rituals:  Every journey should start with practical, and easy to follow advice. In these articles I'll share some of the most under-used, under-rated, and misunderstood tools, tactics, and habits in life. Tools and tactics to help you understand your strengths, passions and goals, and get you working towards improving your situation today. Subscribe now!  It's 100% free and I'll aim to send out a newsletter once a month. 


I hope you enjoy your personal experience here at The-Inspired, and the growth that comes with it.

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Hi I'm Goran Yerkovich, the Founder of The-Inspired. I'd love to hear from you and learn what brought you to The-Inspired. If you have an idea for a story as a Guest Columnist, or if you'd like to share your journey, or you'd like to tell me about the articles you've loved, and how they have helped you in your journey, you can reach me at:  

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