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I called my nephew today to wish him a happy birthday. As he described it, he's under a form of "mom-jail-quarantine" which means he's stuck inside, like the rest of us.
What a horrible way to spend a birthday. Or is it?
My nephew is young, just wrapping up his first year of university, but he knows the world is a different place from just a month ago. Everything is changing. And no one truly knows how it will end.
What's the hardest part of all this?
For most of us, it's the realization there are forces at play outside of our control.
Usually when I call my nephew, which isn't as often as it should be, I give a few pieces of subtle (or maybe not that subtle) advice. You know, the boring yet necessary reminders of working hard, following your dreams, and finding a way to do something you love. Yes they all sound like platitudes, but they're much more than that. Especially today. Now. In this time.
Usually when I call, I know exactly what to say and how in all likelihood the world will look for the year ahead. But now, this is all new to me. It's new to all of us.
Events like this come along once in a lifetime, if at all.

Things we once believed as certain, may not exist in the months or years ahead.
The world is entering a heightened place of urgency but also of pause.
Roads are empty. Shops are closed. People are at home.
The Great Pause of 2020 has just taken hold.
The question is, what will you do with your time?

What promises have you made, understanding the uncertainty ahead?
I told my nephew this morning that he'll always remember this time.
But in 10, 20, or 30 years, will you remember what you did with yours?
The Great Pause of 2020 now comes with a question of purpose.
It is a time of authenticity. Of digging in and finding the authentic you.
Are you defining your purpose? Have you found your meaning?
If not, now is your time.
The Great Pause of 2020 has forced us to look within.
It's time now we make the most of it.
Because if not now. Then when?
Thanks for reading. Until next time. Stay healthy. Stay Strong. And Thrive.
- Goran Yerkovich
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Not exactly found meaning but I have found ways to spend my time while inside by watching netflix and playing games i guess. I do not think i will remember this time at all, mostly because it hasnt hit as hard here as it has in many other countries.